
Several students at Richmond Community Schools are interested in computer programming, coding, and scripting. The resources on this page can be used to learn more about this evolving and important field of study.


Microsoft DreamSpark

 Microsoft DreamSpark provides programming tools and instructions to high school students.



Microsoft IT Academy

 The Microsoft IT Academy provides students with the future ready technology skills they need to be successful in college and a career.


Google Developers

 This site includes tons of information about developing web-based applications.




Teaching Kids Programming (TKP)

TKP is an open, online course that walks students through the basics of programming. They offer students experiential learning opportunities that keep kids engaged and they do it with the help of Camtasia Studio.





10 of the Best Online Programming Tools for Students

Read this blog post to learn about 10 online programming tools for students.






Why (And How) To Start Learning Video Game Design

Video games have become one of the most popular uses of leisure time and are a multi-billion dollar a year industry. Many educators have discovered that video game design and development is an effective learning tool in the classroom.




Animation Chefs

 Our motto is Make Your Own Cartoon Network! The Youtube generation has, with the 120 years of animators before them, discovered the magic of bringing their creations to life via stop-motion animated storytelling.