Student ID Cards R Here!

Student ID Cards R Here! 

We are excited to announce Monday, January 29th, all Richmond Community Schools Students will receive their student ID and lanyard. Upon distribution of student IDs and lanyards, all Richmond Community Schools Students will begin wearing their student ID and lanyard daily for the utilization purposes of food and transportation services.

Above all else, safety has remained a priority and the forefront of the implementation.

As a district, we remain focused in prioritizing student and staff safety, creating accountability and providing transparency in our school buildings.

Bus Boss Parent Patrol will go live during our afternoon routes Monday, January 29th for students who use transportation services. Bus Boss Parent Patrol gives parents/guardians up to date information and notifications regarding their student’s location as they travel to and from our school buildings. Please remain patient as our students and transportation staff become accustomed to this new application. 

Please refer to the RCS website at for more information on the Parent Patrol Bus Boss application.  Information includes frequently asked questions and video resource guides on setting up the mobile app on Android and IOS. A helpful video for families is located in our video library on the weRrichmond homepage under the videos play button icon.

We are confident our students will remain resilient as we introduce this new process, overtime, adjusting to what will become a new norm as we finish out the year. Please encourage your student(s) to wear their lanyard and student ID each day. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation. Please contact your student’s building should you have any additional questions. 


Richmond Community Schools Student ID Roll Out