High Ability Identification and Testing

High Ability Identification

RCS identifies students for high-ability services in grades K-12 in language arts, and math. Students who are identified in both areas are considered general intellectual.

Cognitive Ability Test (CogAT) screening for program services occurs in kindergarten with approximately the top 25% of students given the full assessment for identification.  Kindergarten test results will be used for services in kindergarten, 1st,  and 2nd grades. 

All students at second grade and fifth grades are given the CogAT for identification purposes.  The results will be used to service students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade.  Students in other grade levels may be recommended for assessment for services at any time. Move-in students may be assessed in the fall; returning students who are recommended for testing are tested in the spring. Generally, students who score above the 96th percentile on achievement or cognitive potential will be identified for services in the area of their high performance.

The High Ability Identification flowchart will be used at all levels for identification.


The district identification team will collect testing data and review profiles to identify students in need of high ability services.  These services include placement at Hibberd for general intellectual students and a variety of services provided in elementary and intermediate buildings for students highly able in math or language arts.

Students will be invited to Hibberd based on the bulleted criteria below.

  • All students labeled General Intellectual (Qualifies in both areas-Language and Math) are offered the opportunity.
  • Any student who is labeled in one area (Language Arts or Math) and at the 85%ile in the other area according to the CogAT are offered a spot at Hibberd.
  • Any student who is labeled in one area (Language Arts or Math) and at the 80-84%ile in the other area according to the CogAT , we ask the teacher to fill out a Scales for Identifying Gifted Students (SIGS) in that area.  If the student shows High Ability likely characteristics based on SIGS, then they will be offered a position at Hibberd.

Secondary students are identified for appropriate coursework as needed, using information that may include current achievement data, grades, and standardized test scores. The results of the PSAT may be used as an indicator for success in AP coursework. 


An appeal process is in place in the event the identification team does not place a child in services and a teacher, parent, or other person close to the child challenges this decision. The following steps clarify the appeal process:

  1. The petitioner contacts the building level consultant who provides an appeal request form.
  2. An appeal request form is completed and delivered to the high ability coordinator. The coordinator reviews the student profile and requests alternative assessment which may include
    • Alternate cognitive potential assessments
  3. The district identification team reviews the additional information.
  4. Identification team reports results to coordinator.
  5. Coordinator reports results to petitioner.

If a student, parent, or teacher believes a high ability placement for services is no longer appropriate, he or she may:

  • Arrange a conference with the parties involved, including the parent and the teacher providing services. This conference may be a telephone conference.
  • Parent, student, and teacher examine the ILP and consider issues of concern and where, if possible, revisions might be made.
  • Participants agree on a probationary period not less than six weeks to implement revisions or add accommodations/ support.
  • At the end of the probationary period, the parent, student, and teacher meet to review progress and determine whether or not the student should exit services.
  • If an exit is deemed appropriate, the parent signs permission to "de-flag" student for high ability placement and services.
  • Parent permission for exit and documentation of meetings/ ILP revisions are sent to the high ability coordinator.
  • High ability coordinator removes the high ability flag for student in data base.


Hibberd Program Building Principal
Cassandra Laudermilk
900 South L Street
Richmond, Indiana 47374
School: (765) 973-3488
Fax: (765) 973-3788