Code of Conduct - Technology
Technology Code of Conduct
The use of RCS technology and networks is a privilege of all RCS Students. Students are
expected to understand and practice appropriate use of technology and computer networks.
These technologies and networks include any RCS owned devices and networks wired or
wireless. Inappropriate use of these devices and networks may result in disciplinary actions up
to and including loss of technology privileges.
Using Technology for Educational Purposes:
● Students shall use technology for educational purposes only and not for personal
entertainment or distraction.
● Students who are discovered tampering with current student technology safety
measures in place may be subject to disciplinary action including but not limited to the
loss of technology privileges.
● Students shall use technology for educational purposes only and not for personal
entertainment or distraction.
● Students who are discovered tampering with current student technology safety
measures in place may be subject to disciplinary action including but not limited to the
loss of technology privileges.
Protection of Personal Information:
● Students shall be aware of the risks associated with sharing personal information online
and take the necessary steps to protect their personal information.
● Students shall not share personal information including but not limited to, their school
account login credentials, personal contact information, and privately owned
● Students shall not use technology to plagiarize or cheat on assignments. This includes
but is not limited to direct plagiarism and/or the use of AI (ex: Chat GPT) to complete
● Plagiarism may result in the assignment being marked with a failing grade and/or up to
the student being given a failing grade for the term.
School Policies:
● Students shall follow all school policies regarding technology use, including guidelines
for internet use, and the use of school assigned devices. The policies may be reviewed
at any time.
● All students must review and sign the electronic technology user agreement on a yearly
basis in order to access RCS devices and networks. (RCS Policy 6545 Acceptable Use
for Staff and Students)
Technology Safety:
● Students shall use technology safely, including use of strong passwords, avoiding unsafe
websites, and shall report any concerns or incidents related to technology use to a
teacher or school administrator.
Appropriate Language and Behavior:
● Students shall use appropriate language and behavior when communicating online.
Students shall avoid the use of technology to engage in inappropriate or harmful
behavior that may result in the harm of the well-being of themselves or others.
● Vandalism in regards to technology is defined as the intentional act to harm, modify
and/or destroy any data, hardware,network component, and/or software.
● Students who vandalize any RCS Technology/Networks may be subject to disciplinary
action up to and including the loss of technology privileges.
Respect The Rights/Privacy of Others:
● Students shall not use technology to harass, bully, or intimidate others.
● Students shall respect the privacy of others and not share personal information with
other individuals unless expressed permission is granted.
● Students who violate the privacy and rights of others may be subject to disciplinary
action including but not limited to the loss of technology privileges.
Report Any Concerns or Suspicious Activity:
● Students shall report any concerns or incidents related to technology use to a teacher or
school administrator.
Revised August 7th, 2023