eLearning » Mobile Device Expectations

Mobile Device Expectations

Mobile Device Expectations

 The HP Stream was purchased primarily for use with the HMH digital curriculum within the ELA department. It is the responsibility of the individual teachers to monitor and reinforce the proper use and care of the devices as outlined in this module.

General Information

  • Each laptop should be assigned to a student per class period. The student will only use the laptop assigned to them.
  • Documentation of the device assignment as well as acknowledgement of Mobile Device Acceptable Use policy will be entered into a shared spreadsheet.


Daily Maintenance

  • Make sure students log out of laptop after each class period. (This includes Windows, MBC, HMH and Office 365.)
  • Last period of the day should shut down the laptops prior to placing back in cart.
  • Laptops remain in the classroom, they are not to travel around the building.
  • Laptops are to be plugged in when not in use. *Do not leave them on desks between passing periods.
  • Laptop cart should be plugged in at all times and locked when not in use or teacher is out of the room.
  • Laptops are to be put on desk, not on top of books, folders or other items.
  • Place laptop on desk, open from middle, not corner.
  • Laptops will not be used when substitute teachers are present. Long term subs are an exception.
  • Each device will need to be cleaned on a weekly or as needed basis. We will provide some type of cleaning device for you.



  • Any damage to device will need to be reported immediately to our Help Desk through a trouble ticket.
  • Each cart will have enough laptops to accommodate largest class size.
  • Any laptop that is damaged or non-operations will need to be taken to the Media Center where a temporary replacement will be issued.



  • Teachers that attend 3 HMH training modules will gain access to the laptops.
  • Routine checks of use with the HMH/Laptops will be performed by ELA chair, Mr. Millis, Mrs. Woolpy, and Mr. Tidrow.
  • Ongoing support will be provided by the eLearning staff and RCS Technology department per request.
  • Office 365 accounts will be assigned to all students and teachers.
  • eLearning staff will be present at RHS four days a week to support you and the transition to digital curriculum.


For questions, comments, or modifications, please contact the following:

Rob Tidrow, [email protected]
RCS Director of Operations